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       For over 40 years, the post has been defended by feisty, wiry, cunning men who fought bravely.  Some fought at Pearl Harbor against Japanese, or Nazis in Germany, others were stationed stateside.  All did their part.  Spanning the five military branches and posts across the world, they returned from their duties and planted their own post at 410 Mount Pleasant Avenue.

But the fighting did not stop. 

Committed to making a difference in the world, they decided to narrow their focus to their roots, country and community.  Our country and community.  Dues paid and battles won, the work is not yet finished.  It’s time for the next generation to step up and walk in the shadows and footsteps of the greatest American generation.

Recent veterans, full of potential and experience, will be the Next Great Generation.  These are the young men and women volunteers who refused to sit idly and watch when evil attacked our city.  Like the once young men who went before them, they joined their fellow Americans, sought justice for those that were murdered, and helped free oppressed people across the globe.  They fought not only in the interest of their country or themselves, but for humanity.  They returned with the values of their grandparents, with strengthened convictions. 

Now, ready to continue the fight at home, the infrastructure lies in wait.  The Legion stands proud and ready to transition to men and women of proven virtue and worthiness ready to carry forward this honorable post; this noble cause.

 My fellow brothers and sisters time is the issue.  This Greatest Generation, rightfully battle tired and weary, needs your youth step up, relieve your battle worn comrades, and get back in the fight.  Well educated and technologically savvy, use your ability to lessen the burden of the post.  Take hold of the opportunity to learn essential lessons from veteran veterans.  Accept your duty and responsibility in post assignments in the tried and tested ways of The Legion.  It is with great pride that we form the front and take the lead going forward.  There are many young hands and minds ready to do The Legion's work.  The time to step up and meet the obligations to the men who have gone before us, and to those who will come after us, is right now.

                                            Semper Fidelis

                                        Erik Marshall Luker                                     

                                    Acting Post Commander
